• Q. It’s been months since I paid attention to my bikini area. Should I trim before coming for my wax?

    A. That’s ok – we can do that for you, unless it is really unruly then you are more than welcome to if you want to.

  • Q. Do I need to exfoliate?

    A. Yes. To have smooth sexy skin and to remove the layer of dead cells which allows for better penetration of your other skin care products.

  • Q. Will waxing hurt?

    A. It’s really not as bad as you think – We have great quality wax and our staff are trained to wax fast and thoroughly communicating with you every step of the way in how to position your body or stretch your skin to minimise pain.

  • Q. Waxing vs Shaving?

    A. Regular waxing reduces hair growth activity over time whereas regular shaving promotes hair growth over time, meaning you’ll end up with more than you started with. Waxed hairs can take anywhere from 3-8 weeks to grow back and shaven hairs will reappear anywhere from 8 hours to 5 days! Don’t worry if you have only ever shaved – it’s never too late to start waxing!

  • Q. What do I do with Ingrowns?

    A. DON’T pick at it, squeeze it or try to tweeze it out because you will bruise yourself, scar yourself. Keep gently exfoliating.

  • Q. How does pregnancy affect treatments?

    A. Many women worry that it is dangerous to have waxing done whilst pregnant, but this is not the case at all. Aside from the fact that it may hurt a little more than usual because your hormones are often going nuts, it is perfectly fine to continue your monthly hair maintenance. Our staff are all well trained in dealing with these sensitivities and will ensure that you are well looked after.

  • Q. What do I need to tell my therapist about?

    A. Raised moles and skin tags, abrasions, bites, broken skin, bruises, varicose veins, sun burn, period, allergies, Medical Condition, Medication You’re going to have to give waxing a miss if you have contagious skin condition, thin or fragile skin, are using steroid medication or Roaccutane.

  • Q. If I have my period, can I still get a brazilian wax ?

    A. If you’re wearing a tampon, is fine. Just make sure everything is in place, and you are nice and clean.

  • Q. If I’ve never waxed before, how will my skin react?

    A. In most cases your skin will be fine however it depends on your skin type. If you are particularly sensitive, you may get a reaction. (usually on the face and bikini area) It is quite common to get a slight reaction to your wax the first time and then your skin will become accustomed to the treatment and it is unlikely that you will get the same reaction again.